Palmen Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Racine

Feb 9, 2015

We all love cars, at least the idea of cars. They get us places more quickly than biking or walking, and they look really awesome. But some of us, both children and adults, have bodies that don’t like cars as much as our minds do. Obviously it has nothing, we hope, to do with the car itself. You most likely are suffering from motion sickness. We’ll give you a few tips to help you deal with motion sickness in the car.

The holidays just passed and warmer weather will be on its way soon. That means long road trips and vacations. For some people, this is an absolute nightmare. No one likes to feel nauseated and dizzy in the car. So what can you do about it?

#1: Try to Avoid Getting Car Sick

There are a few preemptive things you can do to keep yourself from getting car sick. Dramamine is the drug that is in most over-the-counter medicines. Another method to avoid getting sick in the car is to eat some ginger. Ginger can be eaten as a cookie or a drink (ginger ale). You can also try to be closer to the front of the car, but if you have a past of car sickness, it’s good to keep a plastic bag handy just in case!

#2: Don’t let yourself see the motion.

Sometimes even just cupping your hands over your eyes can make a huge difference. Prevent yourself from seeing the motion of what it outside passing by. Even a little view of this can trigger nausea. Note: It’s better to do this BEFORE the nausea starts.

#3: Breathe!!

Get some fresh air. If you get car sick often, remember to take breaks in driving for a few minutes every hour or so. Fresh air is great for sickness.

#4: Try to Keep It Clean

If the worst happens and you actually throw up, try to make it into a container of some sort. This is best in a plastic bag, but use whatever you can. Vomiting out the window or on the floor is a huge mess and your driver will not thank you.

With these tips, we hope you are able to enjoy riding around in your car even more than you already do! Of course, car sickness with kids is a whole different problem we can write tips for that another day.