Palmen Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Racine

May 21, 2018

How to avoid carsickness on a road trip

Summertime is a great time to take road trips and experience more of the country. But for some people, motion sickness can put a damper on the trip and make it uncomfortable and stressful. Learn some tricks to help avoid or beat carsickness here!

Read More: Take away the distractions in the car!

Symptoms of carsickness

There are many different symptoms associated with feeling carsick, but some of the more common ones are nausea, dizziness, vomiting, sweating and a general sense of feeling unwell. These symptoms can come on gradually or happen pretty quickly depending on a person’s sensitivity to their sense of balance and equilibrium.

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Tips to avoid carsickness

There are many things you can do both before and during your road trip to avoid feeling carsick. Check out these tips!

Before your trip:

  • Be mindful of the food and drink you consume. Highly spicy, heavy or fatty foods can worsen feelings of carsickness, as can liquids like alcohol.
  • Pack medicine geared toward easing the symptoms of motion sickness to help you beat symptoms you might feel coming on once you hit the road.

Woman in passenger seat of car with friends smiling
During your trip:

  • Choose your location wisely. In a car, it is best for you to sit in the front seat, and make sure to keep your eyes forward to avoid turning around and facing the opposite direction of travel.
  • Try to choose mild food and drink while you are on the road. Foods with strong smells and fatty, spicy or rich foods can bring about nausea and other symptoms, so keep the food mild and avoid smelly foods.
  • Reading or looking at your phone or tablet should be avoided if you are prone to carsickness. While you might think it is a distraction, it can actually make your symptoms worse! Keeping your head up and eyes on the road can help you avoid negative reactions.
  • If you start to feel symptoms coming on, opening a window can help alleviate them. Take breaks to stretch your legs and give your body a break from moving as often as you need to.

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We hope these tips help you avoid feeling carsick on your next trip! Get out there and explore the world around you this summer!