Palmen Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Racine

Nov 10, 2014

How to safely drive on ice

Now that our Wisconsin winter is starting to definitively set in, it’s time to start thinking about whether we’re prepared for the snowy, icy road conditions that are just around the corner. It’s important for our own safety as well as that of our passengers and other motorists that we know as much as possible about how to handle these types of roadways. Years of experience are a great teacher, but for those of us without that advantage we’ve prepared some tips for how to safely drive on ice this winter. 

1. Plan ahead. In this case, planning ahead comes in two forms: having a winter road-ready vehicle and knowing what we’re getting into. Make sure your tires have excellent tread and adequate pressure, and see to it that your brakes, alignment, and safety systems are all in good working order. Stop in to our service department if you’d like to have anything checked over. The other thing is giving yourself plenty of time en route. It’s hard to stay calm and relaxed when you’re running late, and a steady demeanor is key for getting through an unpleasant driving situation.

2. Keep your eyes where you want to go. While you want to maintain as much awareness as possible of your entire surroundings, one piece of advice we offer is to focus on keeping your eyes trained on where you want to go rather than where you don’t. So if you begin veering toward a snow bank or ditch, gently correct while keeping  your eyes on the road where you want to be.

3. Braking and steering. When it comes to braking, steady and gentle is the name of the game. Approach a stop gradually, especially if there are other vehicles ahead of you. Find yourself slipping? Remember that you’re steering in the direction that you want your front wheels to go. If your rear wheels are sliding right, you’ll want to steer right.

Also, remember to always keep your lights on in winter if you don’t have automatic daytime running lights. Visibility is key!