Palmen Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Racine

Archive for 'Service' Category
Sep 16, 2015

How Do I Know What Tires to Buy in WI? When it comes to shopping for car tires, the process can be daunting. Salesmen are trying to get you to spend more and buy tires before you need them. We’ll cover how to tell when you need new tires, and also how to read your […]

Sep 6, 2015

4 Good Reasons Your Jeep Engine Won’t Start One of the worst feelings is the fateful day when you climb into your car to leave for work to find that it won’t start. Whether it’s turning over and simply not starting, or giving you complete silence when you turn the key, it’s not good. We’re […]

Jun 18, 2015

You find yourself driving down a road only to notice that as you speed up, your Jeep starts to shake violently. It’s hard to control the vehicle and you are worried for your life. You slow down only to find that the shaking stops. This is why we are here today to talk about how […]

Jun 15, 2015

How Do you Fix Flood Damage in the Car? Flooding is a harsh reality for many who live in places that receive heavy rain during the spring and summer. With the rain comes potential for flooding, and if your car gets stuck in the middle of it, it can result in extensive damage. So how […]

May 29, 2015

Every vehicle on the road has its own set of either struts or shocks. There are a few important things that these parts do for you and your vehicle, and a few ways to tell if you need to get them replaced. So you want to know how to tell if your car has struts […]

May 12, 2015

is premium gasoline better than the cheaper gasoline? Going to the gas station can be puzzling for those that don’t know which gas is best for their vehicle. There are several different options for fuel and each one comes with a different price. You may wonder to yourself, “is premium gasoline better than the cheaper […]

May 8, 2015

Is It Worth it to Wax New Cars? Yes, it’s time consuming, but even though it takes a little time and energy, the payoff can be great. So you’ve come here wondering, “is it worth it to wax new cars?” We are here to discuss the benefits of waxing your car and how often you […]

Apr 11, 2015

Bad Car Sounds that Need to be Repaired Quickly How’s your car sounding these days? Are you ignoring sounds your vehicle makes, just hoping they aren’t a big deal? While this is okay with certain things, like the sound of your kids fighting in the back seat, your vehicle often gives you a clue as […]

Mar 24, 2015

So you’ve noticed that your vehicle seems to be losing oil between oil changes. This can be because of a number of things, and many of which are rather expensive to fix. Leaking or lost oil can cause your engine harm if it is not replaced, and is not a good sign. Older cars experience […]

Mar 18, 2015

spring cleaning checklist for the car Racine WI If you are anything like most people, climbing out of the wintery months of freezing cold temperatures and horrible road conditions seems like an uphill battle. A great way to greet the spring weather is to clean up your car and get it shiny and new looking […]