Palmen Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Racine

Archive for 'Just For Fun' Category
May 11, 2018

Gift Ideas for Car Lovers Almost everyone knows someone that is a car enthusiast. But for those that aren’t, it can be tough to figure out what type of gifts will be most appreciated by the car lovers. That’s why we’ve created this helpful list for you to check out the next time you are […]

Apr 19, 2018

How to drive a manual transmission vehicle: Downshifting and reversing Learning how to drive a manual transmission model can be tough, but that’s why we are creating a helpful how-to guide to help walk you through the steps to drive stick! If you are catching up, check out part one of how to drive stick! […]

Apr 16, 2018

How to drive a manual transmission vehicle: The basics and upshifting Have you ever been car shopping and found a car you loved, only to realize it had a manual transmission? With the enormous popularity of automatic transmission vehicles, many people don’t learn how to drive manual transmission, or stick shift, vehicles anymore. But manual […]

Apr 14, 2018

How to travel safely with a pet in the car A great way to experience the beauty of the country is to go for a road trip. This allows you to take in the sights firsthand as you travel to your destination. Many people want to bring their furry friends along, but it can be […]

May 18, 2017

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting stuck at a red light for what feels like an eternity, whether you’re running late or perfectly on time. However, there are a few things you can do to help things move along some of the time. Check out these tips for quicker changing traffic lights, and you might […]

Apr 28, 2017

We’ve all been walking through a parking lot and noticed the colorful substance on the ground. Most of us know it’s gasoline, but do we know why it looks so colorful? Why doesn’t it look colorful when it’s coming out of the pump? Keep reading to learn more about what makes leaked or spilled gasoline […]

Oct 16, 2016

We’ve all heard that plants are a great addition to our living spaces. They make our homes and offices feel more comfortable, and they clean the air we breathe! Do we need any more reason than that? There is one space we spend time in that might have you wondering, can I keep a plant […]

Sep 20, 2016

We all see those bright red and blue lights flashing behind vehicles that are pulled over on the side of the road, or on their way across town while we pull over to let them pass, but have you ever wondered what makes the Dodge Pursuit different from other vehicles on the road? THe design […]

Aug 16, 2016

Every state has strange laws that were created at one point or another, and Wisconsin is no exception. We’re going to tell you about some of the weirdest driving laws in Wisconsin, and you can try to live within the law. Or not. These silly rules might seem too outdated, but let us know in […]

Aug 10, 2016

We might know that Jeep vehicles are renowned for their capability and sporty design, but the Jeep wasn’t born out of a wish for style or comfort. The original Jeep was a utility vehicle developed to be an affordable, no-nonsense option for the military to use as transport. We’ll tell you 3 things you didn’t […]